Cherry Glazerr - Juicy Socks
Barbatuques - Baianá
Leon Vynehall - Nothing Is Still
Tirzah - Devotion
George Clanton - Make It Forever
the Felines - Pretty Boy
Drama - Lies After Love EP
Metaphysical Lounge に参加してきました
OCN モバイル ONEの「MUSICカウントフリー」が正式機能になって Spotifyユーザーの自分、大歓喜
Grizzly Bear - Three Rings
Gui Boratto - Pentagram
Iceage feat. Sky Ferreira - Pain Killer
Negative Gemini - Bad Baby
7/20(金) に DJイベント Metaphysical Lounge に参加します
Rival Consoles - Persona
Oneohtrix Point Never feat. Iggy Pop - The Pure and the Damned
Tangled Hair - We Do What We Can
Ross From Friends - Aphelion EP
Snail Mail - Lush
pause//009 (Spotify playlist)
Caroline Rose - Loner
Renata Zeiguer - Old Ghost
Drahla - Twelve Divisions of the Day
DJ Seinfeld - Time Spent Away From U